I’ve fitted a camera to my wheelchair.

Steve Woodmore
3 min readFeb 14, 2022
I've fitted a camera to my wheelchair.

Why? because I can.

Actually that’s not strictly true, well it is sort of, I did do it because I could do it, but that’s not the only reason.

The real reason is that for the last 18 months I have been studying college courses at home and lots of other E-learning online courses around video making and video editing, more editing than making.

Adobe Premiere CC, After Effects CC, Photoshop CC, Lightroom CC & Audition CC

These are the programmes I have been learning and because the courses were done through an education establishment, Morley College London, I qualified for the Adobe education discount and so got the whole Creative Cloud suite for less 20% of the usual price.

Why a wheelchair?

Good question and that’s mostly down to the current covid pandemic we are living through. When the pandemic first hit us in early 2020 I was working but because Of my health conditions it would have been to dangerous for me to continue so when the lock-down happened I opted to stop working and take early medical retirement.

The trouble there is I soon became very bored with sitting on my arse all day waiting for the time it was all over and I could go out again, well that didn’t happen did it? the pandemic dragged on for so far 22 months now.

I wondered what I could do to keep myself busy and maybe earn a few pennies at the same time and the thought of making YouTube video came to me, this is something I never really done before on any sort of serious level and I realised that I would need to dig in and learn the software, hence the enrolment in Morley College and the courses.

Of course this was at the start and assumed it would be a few weeks before everything would get back to normal and I could get out there and make videos, but like I said that never happened, we are still here in the pandemic and with a few exceptions ( 2, I think, a night away in Wigan and 4 days on the Isle of wight) my only journeys out into the world have been to and from hospital and other appointments in my wheelchair.

Getting proficient

Well I am now at a level of knowledge with the software that I get it to do what I want, but I have no material and trust me, watching hours of my sitting at my pooter is as boring as fuck.

So the only outings I have are my wheelchair ones and that is why I now have a camera on it and that is why I am now recording my journeys.

These might be the most boring YouTube videos in the world to you but to me each and everyone is practice and the feedback I get helps me to make the next one that bit better.

I have lots of plans for future videos on many different subjects but they involve me getting out in the world so until then you’ll just have to suffer my wheelchair, model making and tutorial ones.

Look out for more coming soon.



Steve Woodmore

I just post whatever is in my head at the time